The Records Of The CKG Gathering


Words that come before story

This is story based on story from SCP Wiki. You go read that first [ here] .  
I thought it funny, so I decide make whole series of CKG gathering files.  
Also, this page get edited lots over time as we find more CKGs. And also because me chisel break easy.


Which thing: Thing-II

How bad thing: Not Know Yet

How keep thing:

We not know how keep Thing-II without it die. If you see Thing-II appear, kill all but a few of Thing-II. Best kill Thing-II with stick with Thing-I on it. It hurt hand to touch Thing-II with hands with nothing on. No keep Thing-I near Thing-II. Need fox pelt or higher to try things on Thing-II. It near Cave-IIII.

What thing is:

Thing-II white cold thing with very cold. Thing-II only happen when gods send from sky. Shamans not know what make gods send thing from sky. Shaman E█ in charge of making shrine to pray to god sending Thing-II. Thing-II dangerous in large amount, but when by itself, Thing-II no harmful. When tree turn red, that mean Thing-II about to attack.

How we find thing:

 Hunter G
█ and Hunter K█ outside looking for meat and Things. Suddenly, Thing-II fall form sky, huge amount of Thing-II. Hunter K█ was able to make it back to Cave-IIII after first wave, but Hunter G█ [DATA CHISELED OUT]. It possible Hunter G█ insult god that send Thing-II. After this happen, Thing-II keep falling from sky now, for █ moons. It just stop this moon. It not known when Thing-II come back, or at all. After Hunter K█ get back, we send Hunter F█ to get Thing-II.

Things tried on Thing-II:


WHO TRY: Fox Pelt Man C

THING TRIED: Poke Thing-II with hand.

WHAT HAPPENED: Thing-II make Fox Pelt Man C█ hand cold. Fox Pelt Man C█ hands put in rabbit pelt, and they fine.


WHO TRY: Wolf Pelt Man D

THING TRIED: Hit Thing-II with fist.



WHO TRY: Witch Doctor R█-Y

THING TRIED: Go outside of Cave-IIII when Thing-II everywhere with wolf-pelt clothing.

WHAT HAPPENED: Witch Doctor R█-Y█ not [DATA CHISELED OUT] by Thing-II. This info useful, Shaman B█ tell Witch Doctor R█-Y█ not do this. So he get demoted to Helper Witch Doctor.


WHO TRY: Hunter A

THING TRIED: Piss on Thing-II.

WHAT HAPPENED: Thing-II become Thing-II-I, which is yellow thing. Hunter A█ get promoted to Huntsman and get to use throwing axe now.


WHO TRY: Shaman Br

THING TRIED: Put Thing-I near Thing-II.



WHO TRY: Shaman N

THING TRIED: Throw Thing-II at wolf.

WHAT HAPPENED: Shaman N█ get attacked by wolf, but he kill wolf with club. Shaman N█ get 1 free mammoth meat for bringing wolf pelt.

''"Me think Thing-II from gods of war. It make all animal mad when throw at them." -Shaman N''


WHO TRY: Shaman A

THING TRIED: Prove Shaman N█ wrong by throw Thing-II at crocodile.

WHAT HAPPENED: Shaman A█ get hand bitten off by crocodile. Shaman A█ has been demoted to Witch Doctor for being idiot.


WHO TRY: Witch Doctor A

THING TRIED: Put Thing-II in lake.

WHAT HAPPENED: Lake eat Thing-II.

''"Lake eat things now? This very bad." -Witch Doctor A''


WHO TRY: Crocodile Skin Man A█-R


WHAT HAPPENED: Crocodile Skin Man A█-R█ cold, but Thing-II taste fine.


WHO TRY: Fox Pelt Man G

THING TRIED: Do all Tries again but with Thing-II-I.

WHAT HAPPENED: Everything was same, but Fox Pelt man G█ get deep scars from crocodile and wolf. He also smell like piss from Try III, and he get bad juju from Try IIIII IIII. Many Sacrifice-Type Men have been sacrificed to make sure Fox Pelt Man G█ stay alive. Fox Pelt Man G█ now promoted to Tiger Pelt Man.


WHO TRY: Crocodile Skin Man A█-R

THING TRIED: Put large amount of Thing-II in small lake.



When Thing-II fall down on Moon III since last remember, it make rabbit weird. Rabbit had white pelt now instead of brown pelt. White pelt rabbit now called Thing-II-II. ''White pelt rabbit found to act same as brown pelt rabbit, so no more try things. -Shaman N''


Which thing: Thing-III

How bad thing: Very Bad

How keep thing:

 We not know how keep Thing-III. But to keep Thing-III-I, put in hole deep down where no wind. Hole must be so small that Thing-III-I have no room to escape. Thing-III happen everywhere.
''"No touch new Thing-III-I, it hot.''''" -Hunter E''

What thing is: 

Not many man see Thing-III and live to tell. But it big tall animal that come from sky. It has very scary roar. Thing-III very skinny. Not know what color, many men say different color. Most say it blue or white. Thing-III also very fast, and fly back up to sky after strike once.
Thing-III strongest and most aggressive animal. When anything get hit by it, the thing it hit die. This includes animals, men, and most Things. No be out when Thing-III is out. Need Tiger Pelt or higher to try things on  ''Thing-III kill too many good man. Now only Witch Doctor or higher experiment with Thing-III. NO TRY TO KILL THING-III! -Witch Doctor S''█-G
When Thing-III strike grass, it become Thing-III-I. Thing-III-I grey powder, hot when first appear. 

Things tried on Thing-III and Thing-III-I:

''Thing should know: Now when trying things, only a few people try things, but take turns. -Chieftan Z''


WHO TRY: Hunter A█, Huntsman R

WHAT TRIED: Kill Thing-III. Hunter A█ have stone spear, Huntsman R█ have stone axe.

WHAT HAPPENED: Thing-III hit Huntsman R█, and he die. Hunter A█ run away. Hunter A█ has been demoted to Rabbit Pelt Man for being pussy.

''We Capture, Keep, Guard, not Kill, Kill, Kill! -Shaman A''


WHO TRY: Tiger Pelt Man C

WHAT TRIED: Kill Thing-III, but with range weapon. He have slingshot and stone javelin.

WHAT HAPPENED: Tiger Pelt Man C█ not been found since he go out.

''Me sent a QHP to find Tiger Pelt Man C''█. ''They not come back.'' ''-Shaman B''


WHO TRY: Shaman A

WHAT TRIED: Give Thing-III stone.

WHAT HAPPENED: Thing-III ignore stone.


WHO TRY: Shaman A

WHAT TRIED: Give Thing-III Thing-II.

WHAT HAPPENED: Thing-III ignore Thing-II.


WHO TRY: Witch Doctor I

WHAT TRIED: Give Thing-III water in bucket.

WHAT HAPPENED: Thing-III hit bucket after long time.


WHO TRY: Witch Doctor I

WHAT TRIED: Give Thing-III Sacrifice-Type Man S-II.

WHAT HAPPENED: Thing-III kill S-II. But then Thing-III hit Witch Doctor I█. Shaman A█ go back to trying things until Witch Doctor I█ 


WHO TRY: Shaman A

WHAT TRIED: Put Sacrifice-Type Man S-III in Thing-III, but with crocodile skin clothing.

WHAT HAPPENED: Thing-III kill S-III. Some of crocodile skin become Thing-III-I. This how we find Thing-III-I.


WHO TRY: Shaman A

WHAT TRIED: Give meat, grass, stone, wood, and Sacrifice-Type Man S-IIII to Thing-III, see what it hit.

WHAT HAPPENED: Thing-III hit wood, but wood become [DATA CHISELED OUT]. Then it [DATA CHISELED OUT] to the meat, grass, and Sacrifice-Type Man S-IIII.

Happening-I with Thing-III:

 On 6 days since last remember, Thing-III hit tree, and it make Thing-
█. Thing-█ spread to other trees and eat them all. Caves I through III had all men move from them because of no wood for Thing-I for light.

Happening-II with Thing-III:

On 30 days since last remember, Hunter G
█ in lake looking for more Things. Thing-III missed Hunter G█ and hit water, but Hunter G█ still die.
''No go in water when Thing-III around. -Witch Doctor I''''█''


Which thing: Thing-IIII

How bad thing: Not Bad

How keep thing:

Keep Thing-IIII in small cave. If Thing-IIII sharp, put point down. Wolf Pelt Man Y█ in charge of guard Thing-IIII. If he not can guard, Hunter S█ guard Thing-IIII. Must have Fox Pelt or higher to try things on Thing-IIII. Each QHP (Quick Hunter Pack) Leader must have weapon with Thing-IIII. Thing-IIII all kept in Cave-IIII.

What thing is: 

Thing-IIII rock like stone, but brighter color. It sharper than stone too. Thing-IIII as heavy as stone, and Thing-IIII easily mistaken for stone. Only Crocodile Skin Man or higher use weapons with Thing-IIII.

How we find thing:

When Happening-I with Thing-III happen, Fox Pelt Man U
█ from Cave-II trip on Thing-IIII while going to Cave-IIII. He get cut on leg, and find out that Thing-IIII look different from other rocks. Fox Pelt Man U█ take Thing-IIII to Cave-IIII with him. He get promoted to Tiger Pelt Man, but die from infect on leg 1 moon later.

Things tried on Thing-IIII:


WHO TRY: Tiger Pelt Man U

THING TRIED: Make spear with Thing-IIII instead of stone.

WHAT HAPPENED: Spear sharper than normal spear. 


WHO TRY: Fox Pelt Man B

THING TRIED: Make axe with Thing-IIII instead of stone.

WHAT HAPPENED: Axe very sharp now, but not heavy. Fox Pelt Man G█ killed wolf with new Thing-IIII axe, and was awarded women.


WHO TRY: Fox Pelt Man B


WHAT HAPPENED: Fox Pelt Man B█ say Thing-IIII not taste good. Then he die.


WHO TRY: Fox Pelt Man B


WHAT HAPPENED: [DATA CHISELED OUT]. Fox Pelt Man B█ demoted to Sacrifical-Type Man.


WHO TRY: Witch Doctor F

THING TRIED: Piss on spear with Thing-IIII, throw spear at wolf.

WHAT HAPPENED: Wolf get wounded and run away. Next sunrise, wolf found dead with infection around spear.

''Hooray! Everyone now piss on spear! -Witch Doctor F''


WHO TRY: Witch Doctor F

THING TRIED: Make sacrifice knife with Thing-IIII.

WHAT HAPPENED: Thing-IIII knife sharper. When Sacrifical-Type Man S-IIIII get sacrificed, more berries grow, so there more food. Witch Doctor F█ was promoted to Chieftan following Happening-I with Thing-IIII.


WHO TRY: Witch Doctor N

THING TRIED: Rub two Thing-IIII.


Happening-I with Thing-IIII:

 Chieftan M█ try to kill tree with Thing-IIII axe. But tree fall over, and hit Cave-IIIII. There was big hole in cave, and Chieftan M█ die. But wood from dead tree was used to fill up hole in Cave-IIIII.

Happening-II with Thing-IIII:

 Tribe of different color man steal a Thing-IIII. They might come back and kill us. Watch out for different color man!
''Good thing we have our spears to piss on. -Chieftan F''


Note: For make tablet look nice, now use new "tally" to count amount of things.

Which thing: IIII

How bad thing: Not Bad/Not Know

How keep thing: 

Thing-IIII need water or piss, or it die. Water better for Thing-IIII. Must have big lake of water. Thing-IIII eat lots of things. To see what it eat, give it sea grass and meat, then see what it eat. Then feed it with it. No give too much food or it die. Thing-IIII found in big lake near Cave-IIII I.

What thing is: 

Thing-IIII animal that live in water. It have big eyes and weird skin flaps on sides and back. It die if not in water for too long. It have many sizes and eat many food. You must have Fox Pelt or higher to try things on Thing-IIII. It take IIII III for Thing-IIII to die with no water or piss.
''If there animal in water, do that mean animal piss in water? -Huntsman U''

How we find thing:

QHP-II "Scalp Cutters" chasing down different color man with Thing-IIII II. He escape but leave Thing-IIII II behind, which is how we get Thing-IIII II. While QHP-II "Scalp Cutters" run back to Cave-IIII I, they find Thing-IIII and Hunter K
█ catch it. Hunter C█ make bucket from grass and branches, and catch fish in it. Hunter K█ and Hunter C█ both awarded whole mammoth and ceremonial boarskin hat.

Things tried on Thing-IIII

Try: I

Who Tried: Huntsman U

What Tried: Poke Thing-IIII I with spear.

What Happened: Thing-IIII I get wound, but not die. It take IIII IIII IIII for wound to stop bleeding.

''Can we have new counting things way now? They still too long. -Huntsman U''

''Said yes to. We have new counting things system now. -Chieftan F''

Try: II

Who Tried: Huntsman U

What Tried: Poke Thing-V with finger.

What Happened: Thing-V bite finger hard. Shaman P█ try things until Huntsman U█ finger get better.

Try: III

Who Tried: Shaman P

What Tried: Put finger in water, take Thing-V out of water, poke Thing-V with water finger.

What Happened: Thing-V die.

Try: IV

Who Tried: Shaman P

What Tried: Take Thing-V out of water, piss on Thing-V.

What Happened: Thing-V still die.

''Thing-V no like piss. -Shaman P''

Try: V

Who Tried: Shaman P

What Tried: Piss on Thing-V while it still in water.

What Happened: Thing-V bite dick. Witch Doctor I█ now in charge of trying things.

Try: VI

Who Tried: Witch Doctor I

What Tried: Put two Thing-V in same lake and see if they sex.

What Happened: Big Thing-V eat little Thing-V.

''The big Thing-V looked different from other Thing-V. Big thing now Thing-V-I.''

Try: VI

Who Tried: Witch Doctor I

What Tried: Give Thing-V meat.

What Happened: Thing-V no eat meat.

Try: VII

Who Tried: Witch Doctor I

What Tried: Give Thing-V grass from sea.

What Happened: Thing-V eat meat.


Who Tried: Shaman X█-F

What Tried: Make shrine to Thing-V.

What Happened: Thing-V leap into face of Shaman X█-F█. Shaman X█-F█ no want to try things on Thing-V.

''It fly! -Shaman X''█-F

Try: IX

Who Tried: Fox Pelt Man D█.

What Tried: Make shrine to Thing-V-I with stones and water.

What Happened: Thing-V-I live in shrine now.

''Me glad that we have shrine, but me not think it good idea to have Thing-V-I in cave. -Shaman P''

Try: X

Who Tried: Witch Doctor I

What Tried: Give Thing-V-I grass from sea.

What Happened: Thing-V-I not eat grass from sea, instead bite Witch Doctor I█'s finger off.

''It not safe to have Thing-V-I anymore. It bite too many people. I will make tool to kill Thing-V with. -Fox Pelt Man D''

Try: XI

Who Tried: Fox Pelt Man D

What Tried: Use tool kill Thing-I-V with. Tool is plant string attached to end of branch to reel in one Thing-V-I with.

What Happened: Thing-V-I not tricked.

''What that idiot think would happen? I should demote for waste wood and plant string. -Witch Doctor S''

Try: XII

Who Tried: Fox Pelt Man D

What Tried: Put meat at end of plant string on tool, try to kill Thing-V-I with again.

What Happened: Thing-V-I tricked. Fox Pelt Man D█ eat Thing-V-I, say it "okay".

''Fox Pelt Man D''█ ''promoted to Wolf Pelt Man. I sorry for last thing I say. -Witch Doctor S''█.

Try: XII

Who Tried: Shaman P

What Tried: Kill Thing-V with Fox Pelt Man D█ tool with meat on.

What Happened: Thing-V also tricked. Thing-V taste better than Thing-V-II.


Who Tried: Shaman P

What Tried: Go on raft to find more Things like Thing-V.

What Happened: Shaman P█ found [DATA CHISELED OUT], now called Thing-V-II. Shaman P█ get bad leg wound.

''Gods no like me. But I sacrifice leg to gods, so they like me more! -Shaman P''

​Shaman P█ ''has been demoted to Witch Doctor for being stupid. -Chieftan F''

Try: XIV

Who Tried: Fox Pelt Man U█-I█.

What Tried: Piss in water with Thing-V.

What Happened: Chieftan F█ cancel try.

''No one allowed to have dick near Thing-V after Try V.''

Other thing: 

Witch Doctor B
█ not allowed to put Thing-V on dick so babby not get in woman.


Not done yet. But I give hint; It a plant!